Every residential or commercial building is composed of various sections. Windows are one of the most crucial and essential components. Undoubtedly, windows are among the most critical requirements for any structure. Additionally, windows are useless without glass. They would essentially be empty, pointless enclosures. Using glass in windows offers numerous advantages. For instance, it enhances a building’s appearance and aesthetic appeal, facilitates light exchange, and so on. Currently, a wide variety of glass options are available for use in building windows. Each type of glass possesses unique characteristics. For example, some prioritize aesthetics over durability. Others excel in both durability and aesthetics but lack adequate insulation. Let’s delve into the various types of building window glass.
What you read:
Today, there are different types of glass with different capabilities for use in buildings
Introduction of Building Window Glass
When choosing glass for windows, there are various factors to consider to ensure a proper and informed purchase based on your specific needs. These factors include the material and quality, the level of aesthetics, durability, sound and heat insulation.
Flat (Float) Glass
High-quality flat glass does not exhibit any curvature or bending on its surface. The surface of these glasses is completely flat and smooth. This characteristic makes it one of the most widely used and consumed glasses in buildings, especially in windows. Flat glass, like most other glasses, is produced and offered in various thicknesses, ranging from 2 to 20 millimeters. As mentioned earlier, the most common use of this glass is for windows, and the appropriate thickness for this application is between 4 and 8 millimeters.
Double-Glazed Glass
As the name suggests, this glass consists of two layers of colorless glass. Double-glazed glass, using advanced technology, completely prevents the passage of sound and heat, making it an excellent insulator. In some of these glasses, inert gases like argon are used between the glass layers to enhance performance.
Safety Glass
Safety glass, which has recently gained widespread popularity due to its exceptional strength, is a subtype of shatterproof glass. In fact, these glasses are an advanced version of shatterproof glass. Shatterproof glasses are made from two or more layers of glass combined with a PVB film at a specific temperature and pressure. Safety glass has several times the strength of shatterproof glass. The main difference between shatterproof glass and safety glass is their state after breaking. Safety glass breaks into powder after shattering, while shatterproof glass breaks into pieces.
Safety glass is widely used in banks, stores, and other locations due to its high strength.
Reflective Glass
Reflective glass is a product of flat glass. The difference between this glass and flat glass is a coating applied to the reflective glass. This coating increases the glass’s reflectivity and reflection. This property prevents sunlight or any other light from entering the building’s interior.
Soda Lime Glass (Sheet Glass)
Without a doubt, the most widely used glass in the world is soda lime glass (sheet glass). In fact, it accounts for over 94% of the world’s glass. This glass is made from various materials, but the most prominent ingredients are calcium oxide, silicon oxide, and sodium oxide.
Laminated Double-glazed Glass
Laminated glass, as the name implies, is a subtype of double-glazed glass with additional features and capabilities. Laminated double-glazed glass is made from multiple layers of glass and a PVB film. The number of these layers and the thickness of the PVB film can vary depending on the user’s requirements.
Prices of Building Window Glass
The prices of building glass are a function of the raw material prices.
As you can see, there are many models of building window glass available in the market. Each of these has been designed and manufactured for a specific purpose. Currently, it is impossible to determine a fixed price for these products. The material of these glasses depends on the quality and price of the raw materials, the brand, dimensions, and other factors.
For purchasing building glass, you can contact Sepanta Glass Factory, which has a long and distinguished history in this field.