In the past, single-pane glass was the only option for building applications. However, recent years have witnessed the introduction of various multi-layered glass types, including double-pane and triple-pane glass, offering enhanced performance compared to their single-pane counterparts. In the following, we will examine the types of laminated glass.
Single-layer construction glasses are glasses in which a glass plate is placed in the frame. Today, the effectiveness of multi-layer construction glass is higher than single-layer glass.
Double-layer glass constructions usually consist of two or more layers of glass. For greater strength of these glasses, an inert gas such as argon is placed between these layers. The difference between single-layer and multi-layer glass is the distance between the layers. This distance prevents sound and heat from moving.
What you read:
Laminated glass is made of several layers of glass
Advantages of single-layer glass
This glass has a very reasonable price, and if you want to spend a little, single-layer glass is the best option. This glass is suitable for hot cities. Because double and triple-layered glasses are heat insulators and retain heat. You don’t need to keep heat in hot cities, so single-layer glass is the best option. In addition, you do not need a new frame and spend money. You can use the same frame as before and save money.
Disadvantages of single-layer glass
As mentioned above, these glasses are not sound and air insulated, and this can be both a negative and a positive point. Of course, it seems that the negative charge of this case is more than its positive charge.
Another point is that this glass cannot prevent noise from entering the building and they are not soundproof at all. Another point is that these glasses do not have good resistance and the possibility of breaking these glasses is high.
On the other hand, double and triple glass are very good sound and heat insulators. They do not allow air and sound to pass and this is considered a positive point. Such laminated glasses have a very high percentage of security. They have good resistance to impact and storms, and it makes your mind comfortable. There are different types of laminated glass, for example, tempered glass and laminated glass, which are widely used today due to their capabilities.
Laminated glass does not allow heat to pass through Argon gas in double layer glass
Argon gas in double layer glass
In the construction of double-glazed windows, between the glasses should be insulated with the help of a gas. They use argon gas for this. It can be said that the most important effect of argon gas in multi-layered glass is to reduce the amount of heat transfer and thus reduce the amount of energy loss through conduction. Because its heat transfer coefficient is lower and heavier than air. Since argon gas is one of the noble gases, it does not react chemically with other gases. Also, argon gas has no smell, color and taste and is not flammable. This gas becomes by reducing the convection flow in the interior and exterior of the environment. Be careful, despite being neutral, argon gas can cause suffocation, headache and dizziness. As a result, avoid inhaling it and if you intend to work with this gas, be sure to observe safety precautions.
Argon gas does not allow the passage of heat and sound
Detecting the presence of argon gas in double-layer glass
One of the ways to detect the presence of argon gas in double-layer glass is the presence of gas valves in the glass, for UPVC windows. Because installing these valves has a high cost, which is equal to more than one square meter of argon gas.
Integrated spacers should be used to prevent argon gas from escaping from laminated glass. For this reason, it is insulated with special butyl and polysulfide adhesives, with quality brands, in the two primary and secondary stages. This makes the double-glazed glass fully insulated. It does not lose the argon gas injected into it. It is a suitable thermal and sound insulation.